Advice and guidance

New psychoactive substances in Europe: challenges and solutions

The new psychoactive substances (NPS) market has increased so fast that existing drug control laws have been left behind. European countries have responded in a variety of ways: some have introduced new legal responses to NPS, based on existing consumer or health protection laws,  or laws governing medicinal products, while others have developed innovative new

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Communicating health: experiences from small countries

Small countries with limited budgets have found new ways of engaging with the media to support the implementation of international agendas on health. Examples include: Welfare Watch – Iceland National experts from different sectors developed a set of social indicators on the country’s current and future health and social care needs and the Ministry of

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How to do better health reform

Health systems are continually being reformed but why? And how? An article in ‘Healthcare Reform, Quality and Safety: Perspectives, Participants, Partnerships and Prospects in 30 Countries’ analyses the impact that health-reform initiatives have had on the quality and safety of care in low-, middle- and high-income countries—Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, Denmark, England, Ghana, Germany,

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Lead Poisoning in Europe

Lead poisoning is entirely preventable. Yet, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation estimates that in 2013 lead exposure accounted for 853,000 deaths globally and 16.8 million disability-adjusted life years due to its long-term effects on health. Lead poisoning can lead to developmental, behavioural and neurological disorders, anaemia, tiredness and muscle weakness, as well as

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Reducing alcohol-related harm

The Joint Action on Reducing Alcohol-related Harm (RARHA) has been a three year project co-financed by the EU Health Programme. It has now completed its work and published its findings which include: Monitoring of drinking patterns and alcohol-related harm, including data and survey results on heavy episodic drinking, attitudes towards alcohol policy, and harm to

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Breast cancer care and psychological support

Psycho-oncological support has become increasingly recognised and used as part of breast cancer care services in recent years. According to a recent review of EU and EFTA member states’ national/regional cancer plans and certification schemes, the need for psycho-oncological services is widely recognised. However the concrete allocation of resources and personnel to provide these services

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Promoting Health and Wellbeing towards 2030

Thirty years after the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, EuroHealthNet has published ‘Promoting Health and Wellbeing towards 2030: taking the Ottawa Charter Forward in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda 2030′. This statement confirms the role and contribution of health promotion in achieving sustainable development and social progress and includes 10 steps to

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