Advice and guidance

European Reference Networks

European Reference Networks (ERNs) connect health care providers and centres of expertise to improve access to diagnosis, treatment and the provision of high-quality healthcare for patients with conditions requiring a particular concentration of resources or expertise no matter where they are in Europe. For clinicians who network widely already, the ERN will represent the formalisation

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Toys eaten by children

The EU’s independent Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) has published its final Opinion on estimates of the amount of toy materials ingested by children. The SCHER was asked to review available data on the ingestion of the following three types of toy material by children, and evaluate whether the ingestion amounts are

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Living kidney donations

Members of the EU, including the UK, have worked together to produce a Reference Toolkit for all Member States concerning living organ donation for the purpose of transplantation. It sets out, and describes, the Core Principles for the establishment, organisation and oversight of living donor transplantation, gives examples of good practice, and contains an extensive

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Alcohol and young people

The 3rd European Alcohol Policy Youth Conference is going to be the concluding event of the EU funded project Let  it hAPYN that has been empowering young people and youth organizations across Europe towards more effective and evidence-based alcohol interventions for the last three years. The conference will focus on the three main areas of APYN’s work: capacity building, advocacy and youth

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