Advice and guidance

Combatting HIV/AIDS

The EU has published a staff working document on combatting HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis B and C and tuberculosis in the European Union and neighbouring countries. These diseases pose the greatest risk to populations that are often also socially marginalised, such as prisoners, injecting drug users, homeless people, migrants and the poor and groups potentially subject to […]

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Spending hours sitting in meetings? Consult WHO’s new guide to planning healthy and sustainable meetings

“We somehow consider meetings to be an exception to the general healthy lifestyle we try to follow,” says Dr João Breda, Head of the WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases and Programme Manager ad interim of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity at WHO/Europe. “But this is mostly because the way

Spending hours sitting in meetings? Consult WHO’s new guide to planning healthy and sustainable meetings Read More »

ECDC launches preparedness self-assessment tool

A new ECDC self-assessment tool facilitates the evaluation of the levels of preparedness and contributes to identification of potential gaps. It also facilitates interactions among stakeholders to discuss themes related to public health emergency preparedness. Based on the outcomes of the self-assessment, areas for improvement can be identified and actions can be taken by the

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Promoting mental health in the workplace

25{ddf8d179d1bf712bb2a88ff2ad95ebdf63eaa5463c845d2f093b25848387ba96} of European citizens will experience a mental health problem in their lifetime. Absenteeism, unemployment and long-term disability claims due to work-related stress and mental health problems are increasing. Promoting good mental health at the workplace, not only helps protect employee’s mental and physical health and wellbeing, but also makes good business sense. A new

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A new report reveals need for more humane, personalised approach to Mental Health

WHO/Europe has released a new report entitled “Mental health, human rights and standards of care”. It assesses the quality of institutional care for adults with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities in the WHO European Region. A total of 75 institutions across 24 countries in the Region and Kosovo (in accordance with United Nations Security Council resolution

A new report reveals need for more humane, personalised approach to Mental Health Read More »

Heat stress deaths avoidable by adhering to Paris Agreement climate goal

Compelling new evidence from the University of Bristol, UK, has found that the number of deaths caused by heat stress could be limited if Europe adhered to the Paris Agreement climate goals. According to the paper published in the Nature Climate Change journal, mortality due to heat stress could be significantly reduced by 15-22{ddf8d179d1bf712bb2a88ff2ad95ebdf63eaa5463c845d2f093b25848387ba96} per summer in

Heat stress deaths avoidable by adhering to Paris Agreement climate goal Read More »

Post-Brexit EHIC cards: Will they be invalid post-2019?

With Brexit negotiations continuing. Hundreds of questions are being raised. Travel industry experts have raised concerns regarding a number of issues such as visa controls and open sky agreements. Ryanair’s Michael O’Leary has been vocal in his concerns that planes could even be grounded if an agreement is not made. However another aspect to cause

Post-Brexit EHIC cards: Will they be invalid post-2019? Read More »

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