Advice and guidance

Global Action Plan to Prevent & Control NCDs

Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) – mainly cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes – are the biggest cause of death worldwide. More than 36 million die annually from NCDs (63{ddf8d179d1bf712bb2a88ff2ad95ebdf63eaa5463c845d2f093b25848387ba96} of global deaths), including 14 million people who die too young before the age of 70. More than 90{ddf8d179d1bf712bb2a88ff2ad95ebdf63eaa5463c845d2f093b25848387ba96} of these premature deaths from NCDs […]

Global Action Plan to Prevent & Control NCDs Read More »

10 facts on physical activity

A lack of physical activity is a significant risk factor for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as stroke, diabetes, and cancer. Less and less physical activity is occurring in many countries – globally, 23{ddf8d179d1bf712bb2a88ff2ad95ebdf63eaa5463c845d2f093b25848387ba96} of adults and 81{ddf8d179d1bf712bb2a88ff2ad95ebdf63eaa5463c845d2f093b25848387ba96} school-going adolescents are not active enough. WHO have identified 10 facts about physical activity, including: it reduces the

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New approach needed to tackle rising drug prices

The proliferation of high-cost medicines and rising drug prices are increasing pressures on public health spending and calling into question the pharmaceutical industry’s pricing strategies. According to a new report from the OECD, ‘ New Health Technologies: Managing Access, Value and Sustainability’, pharmaceutical spending is increasingly skewed towards high-cost products. The launch prices of drugs

New approach needed to tackle rising drug prices Read More »

Health Policy Journal

Health Policy is a journal produced by the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. It is intended to enable a wide discussion of health policy issues and is aimed in particular at improving communication between health policy researchers, legislators, decision-makers and professionals concerned with developing, implementing and analysing health policy. For more information about

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Tobacco Control Playbook counters aggressive tobacco industry tactics

The tobacco industry has become more focused, aggressive and sophisticated in its efforts to block tobacco control measures. However, no single source has yet provided the resources to understand how governments and the public health community can respond to the arguments of tobacco industry players. In light of this, WHO/Europe has developed the Tobacco Control

Tobacco Control Playbook counters aggressive tobacco industry tactics Read More »

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