Food and Nutrition

Agriculture and Public Health

Agriculture and health are intimately connected according to ‘Agriculture and public health: impacts and pathways for better coherence‘ by the European Public Health Alliance. However, health is usually a ‘missing link’ in the agricultural debate, partly because the multifaceted interactions between health and agriculture are rarely fully recognised. This discussion paper summarizes the wide-ranging impacts

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Less meat = better health and better planet

Unhealthy levels of meat consumption and production are simultaneously driving climate change, diet-related chronic diseases and resistance to antibiotics, according to the European Public Health Alliance. They argue that a transition towards sustainable diets is necessary for a realistic climate strategy and represents the agricultural sector’s main climate mitigation opportunity. Studies suggest that realistic changes

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Endocrine disruptors

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals which impact on the hormone system of animals and humans. They have three cumulative characteristics: a hormonal function, an adverse effect, and a causality between the two. There has been increasing interest in endocrine disruptors and the European Commission has produced a factsheet that answers some of the most common questions

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The Global Nutrition Report

The latest edition of the Global Nutrition Report has been released. This Report acts as a report card on the world’s nutrition—globally, regionally, and country by country—and on efforts to improve it. It assesses progress in meeting Global Nutrition Targets established by the World Health Assembly. For more information about the Global Nutrition Report on

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