Foreign Health Systems

European Professional Card

In January 2016 nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists are amongst the many professions able to apply for the European Professional Card which will confirm their professional status when applying for work in another country. Public administrations need to be aware of this as, if an application doesn’t get a response within the deadline specified, the recognition is assumed…so

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Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes: Policies for Better Health and Quality of Care

The last 50 years have witnessed remarkable improvements in CVD outcomes. Since 1960, overall CVD mortality rates have fallen by over 60{ddf8d179d1bf712bb2a88ff2ad95ebdf63eaa5463c845d2f093b25848387ba96}, but these improvements are not evenly spread across OECD countries, and the rising prevalence of diabetes and obesity are threatening to offset gains. This report examines how countries perform in their ability to

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Mental Health Analysis Profiles (MhAPs)

As part of a wider project on mental health in OECD countries, a series of descriptive profiles have been prepared for England, Sweden, Scotland, Netherlands, Finland and Italy intended to provide descriptive, easily comprehensible, highly informative accounts of the mental health systems. These profiles, entitled ‘Mental Health Analysis Profiles’ (MHAPs), will be able to inform

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Recruitment and Retention of the Health Workforce

The European Commission has commissioned a study to identify and analyse effective strategies for recruiting and retaining health professionals to serve as inspiration for the development of organisational strategies and human resources policies in Europe. Many EU countries report difficulties both in retaining and recruiting health staff, although reasons vary as to why. For some countries,

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