Foreign Health Systems

OECD Health Statistics 2015

Many European countries saw further reductions in health spending in 2013, according to OECD Health Statistics 2015. Health spending continued to shrink in Greece, Italy and Portugal and most countries in the European Union reported real per capita health spending below the levels of 2009. Outside the EU average real growth in health spending was […]

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Healthcare expenditure stats from Eurostat

Healthcare expenditure in Germany was around € 290 billion in 2012, equivalent to 10.9 {ddf8d179d1bf712bb2a88ff2ad95ebdf63eaa5463c845d2f093b25848387ba96} of GDP. Belgian healthcare expenditure was also equivalent to 10.9 {ddf8d179d1bf712bb2a88ff2ad95ebdf63eaa5463c845d2f093b25848387ba96} of GDP and the only EU countries with higher percentages were France (11.2 {ddf8d179d1bf712bb2a88ff2ad95ebdf63eaa5463c845d2f093b25848387ba96}) and the Netherlands (11.8 {ddf8d179d1bf712bb2a88ff2ad95ebdf63eaa5463c845d2f093b25848387ba96}). Denmark and Austria also reported that current healthcare expenditure exceeded 10.0 {ddf8d179d1bf712bb2a88ff2ad95ebdf63eaa5463c845d2f093b25848387ba96} of GDP. Outside the

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Investing in public health is an economic win-win

Tobacco use reduces overall national income by 3.6{ddf8d179d1bf712bb2a88ff2ad95ebdf63eaa5463c845d2f093b25848387ba96}. Obesity accounts for 1–3{ddf8d179d1bf712bb2a88ff2ad95ebdf63eaa5463c845d2f093b25848387ba96} of all health expenditure in most countries. These and other surprising facts came to light in a report published by WHO/Europe on the long- and short-term effects of a country’s health status on its financial and economic situation. “The case for investing in

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Assessing chronic disease management in European health systems.

Many countries are looking at innovative ways to redesign delivery systems to provide appropriate support to people with long-standing health problems. This book looks at the experience of 12 European countries and evaluates the outcomes of their different initiatives. To read the reports, click here on

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Strategies for recruiting health staff

The European Commission has commissioned a study: Recruitment and Retention of the Health Workforce which aims to identify and analyse effective strategies for recruiting and retaining health professionals. The study recognises recruitment and retention of health workers as an immediate and urgent problem which needs to be addressed by policy-makers, healthcare managers and healthcare workers.

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Improving organ donation across Europe

The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Council of Europe, along with 8 other partners are supporting the ‘ACCORD’ project which has involved 23 European countries. “Achieving Comprehensive Coordination in Organ Donation throughout the European Union” is a Joint Action coordinated by the Spanish National Transplant Organisation and aims to narrow the inequalities in organ donation by: Enhancing

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European Health Information Initiative

A single, integrated health information system for the entire European Region is the aim of this European Health Information Initiative (EHII) which brings together representatives from the   European Region, WHO collaborating centres (Moscow and Manchester), the European Commission, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and The Wellcome Trust. EHII believes this integrated system can

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Tackling Harmful Alcohol Use: Economics and Public Health Policy

Alcohol consumption has fallen slightly in OECD countries over the past twenty years but young people and women are drinking more. Alcohol is becoming more easily available, more affordable and advertised more effectively. Worldwide, alcohol is a leading cause of ill health and premature mortality, accounting for 1 in 17 deaths, and for an even

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WHO helps reduce the marketing to children of foods

Unhealthy diets are a leading factor affecting health and well-being in every European country, with rising overweight and obesity among children of particular concern as it affects up to 27{ddf8d179d1bf712bb2a88ff2ad95ebdf63eaa5463c845d2f093b25848387ba96} of 13-year-olds and 33{ddf8d179d1bf712bb2a88ff2ad95ebdf63eaa5463c845d2f093b25848387ba96} of 11-year-olds. The leading categories of advertised foods are soft drinks, sweetened breakfast cereals, biscuits, confectionery, snack foods, ready meals and fast

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