Foreign Health Systems

Assessing quality of care across Europe

The expert group on health systems performance assessment (HSPA) provides participating countries with a forum to exchange experiences on the use of HSPA at a national level. It also supports national policy-makers by identifying tools and methodologies for developing HSPA. It is composed of European countries’ health authorities as well as international organisations and has […]

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European Workforce for Health

A number of EU initiatives and legislation underline the importance of regularly updating and improving the skills of health professionals through “Continuous Professional Development (CPD)” to improve quality of care and patient safety. Member States have however very diverse legislations and practices in the field. The expert group on European health workforce, with the European

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Tobacco control in Slovenia

The Slovenian Health Ministry is proposing to tighten restrictions on tobacco products, in line with new EU rules, and also to introduce new levies to finance smoking prevention. This bill would reflect the new EU tobacco products directive and measures imposed by the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. The draft bill, the first overhaul

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Europe close to eliminating measles and rubella

Thirty-two countries in the European Region have interrupted transmission of endemic measles and/or rubella, according to the conclusions of the European Regional Verification Commission for Measles and Rubella Elimination (RVC), released inApril 2016. The independent RVC assesses Member States’ progress towards elimination of measles and rubella by reviewing epidemiological and laboratory surveillance data submitted by

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European eHealth Network

The Joint Action to support the eHealth Network (JAseHN) was launched in 2015 and is now in the process of setting up a cross-border network to exchange Patient Summaries and ePrescriptions, by focusing on the following objectives: enable seamless cross-border care and secure access to patient health information between European healthcare systems, particularly with respect

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